Which Bizarre Superstition Are You?

Discover your personality based on bizarre superstitions! Take this quiz to find out!

published on July 14, 2024

What do you do when you see a black cat?

What do you do when you see a black cat?
Cross my fingers
Run the other way
Laugh and keep walking

How do you feel about breaking mirrors?

Doesn't bother me
It's just bad luck

What's your reaction to a ladder in your path?

What's your reaction to a ladder in your path?
Avoid it completely
Jump over it for fun
Walk under it cautiously

How do you handle Friday the 13th?

It's just another day
Wear lucky charms
Stay in bed all day

What's your reaction to a broken mirror?

What's your reaction to a broken mirror?
Immediately find a way to reverse the bad luck
It's just a coincidence
Prepare for the worst

How do you feel about walking under a ladder?

Absolutely not
Challenge accepted!
Hesitate but do it anyway

Do you believe in lucky socks?

I only wear lucky socks
Socks have nothing to do with luck
Absolutely, I have a pair for every occasion

What's your reaction to a ladder behind you?

Keep walking and hope for the best
Find a way to outsmart the ladder
Quickly turn around and walk back

How do you feel about the number 666?

How do you feel about the number 666?
I embrace it
Just another number
Avoid it at all costs

What's your reaction to a broken mirror?

What's your reaction to a broken mirror?
Prepare for the worst
Immediately find a way to reverse the bad luck
It's just a coincidence