Which Bizarre Superstition Are You? Discover your personality based on bizarre superstitions! Take this quiz to find out! michelle published on July 14, 2024 Stacked 1/10 What do you do when you see a black cat? Cross my fingers Run the other way Laugh and keep walking 2/10 How do you feel about breaking mirrors? Doesn't bother me It's just bad luck Terrified! 3/10 What's your reaction to a ladder in your path? Avoid it completely Jump over it for fun Walk under it cautiously 4/10 How do you handle Friday the 13th? It's just another day Wear lucky charms Stay in bed all day 5/10 What's your reaction to a broken mirror? Immediately find a way to reverse the bad luck It's just a coincidence Prepare for the worst 6/10 How do you feel about walking under a ladder? Absolutely not Challenge accepted! Hesitate but do it anyway 7/10 Do you believe in lucky socks? I only wear lucky socks Socks have nothing to do with luck Absolutely, I have a pair for every occasion 8/10 What's your reaction to a ladder behind you? Keep walking and hope for the best Find a way to outsmart the ladder Quickly turn around and walk back 9/10 How do you feel about the number 666? I embrace it Just another number Avoid it at all costs 10/10 What's your reaction to a broken mirror? Prepare for the worst Immediately find a way to reverse the bad luck It's just a coincidence