Are you a Sith Lord or a Jedi? Really, are you Luke or Vader, Yoda or Sidious? Will you turn? no.. or yes.. threebeltking published on October 29, 2014 Stacked 1/9 In your lightsabre how would you get the crystals? I would creat them. I would find them on hoth. Um, dunno. 2/9 Do you like the Jedi code? People talk about it. I don't listen. Well, yah, but I like to bend it. It's wired into my brain. 3/9 What do you value? Order Doctor who! Freedom for the rich Democracy monarchy/dictatorship/tyranny 4/9 Monarchy, Democracy or Anarchy? Monarchy Democracy Anarchy 5/9 Are you restless? Yawn. This is boring! Nope, well, sometimes, maybe. 6/9 What is you favorite food? Muja fruit Nerf meat What? 7/9 What words describe you most? Empathetic Rule-following Ambitious Impatient And why would that matter? 8/9 What colour of clothes do you wear? Black, dark brown. Darker rainbow colors. RAINBOW! Peach, white, something plain. 9/9 What do you want most? Peace No animal abuse Love Leadership Cookies.