does grell sutcliff love you or nah your hot or your not does grell love you or nah find out in my quiz lol animefreakgrellandsebell101 published on October 21, 2014 Stacked 1/7 do you love grell or sebastiangrell: no one takes sebby away from me i will kill for him! GRELL! sebby none 2/7 why does sebastian hate grell but yet there friendsgrell: yes i wonder why so (=^.^=) because he hates grell but loves him toogrell: i hate that but i love the fact that he loves me tehe i don't know and don't care 3/7 are you emo grell: i love somewhat emo people :) emo no toats ma goats 4/7 do you love grellgrell: if you do i love you too man! yeah duh! no 5/7 pick a colorgrell: if you truly like me or know me you would know my favorite color :D red blue black 6/7 what do you think your answer will be?grell: i wonder hmmm. he luvs me! idk he hates me i'm a horrible person (crys)grell: aww dont cry :( 7/7 does grell eat regular food?grell: how rude to ask that question! *-* no of corse sometimes