What will ur husband be like? (girls only this is too see in the future wht u think ur HUSBAND will be like or u boyfriend now or just ur crush u can see if ANYONE relates with you so GOOD LUCK PPL Even_When_Your_Gone_I_Feel_You_Close published on February 13, 2015 Stacked 1/5 fav thing about you your looks HUH WHO R U you ur smartness and everything about you 2/5 fav color rainbow blue black red white 3/5 fav food hot wings fruit pizza TACOS anything edible 4/5 FAV HOBBY PARTYING swimming studying tanning 5/5 do u want kids someday no i wanna give them up to an orphanage THEY DONT DESERVE ME they will be nerds like us YAY maybe only 1 twins we can teach them how to play sports !