we bare bears: what bear are you Ever wonder what kind of bear you could be? Well now's the chance to find out if your Ice bear, Panda, or Grizzly. Or even a human like Chloe. Kawaiichan published on January 31, 2016 Stacked 1/10 What is your idea of having a good time? social media spending time with bros doing martials arts going to the zoo! 2/10 what bear do you want to be? I WANT TO BE A HUMAN! ice bear Panda Grizzly 3/10 Are your ready for the results? Sure YASS Ice bear says yes oh, ok ya 4/10 are you the oldest ,middle, or youngest sibling? middle oldest yougest 5/10 what would you buy on the internet? laptop/computer cell phone case new axe new backpack 6/10 if a girl talks to you what would you say. ^///^ HI! nice to meet you want to be friends? Ice bears happy to meet you umm hi -///- 7/10 can you draw? a little... not really Ice bear is amazing drawer I like to think I can 8/10 what do you love? the cold anime having fun video games 9/10 What is your favorite food? ramen calzone anything along as its food pocky 10/10 Do like ramen tacos? eat here if you hate eating HECK NO! never tried one Ice bear wants money back