which of my kintypes are you?

which of my kintypes are you?

so i am obvi an otherkin therian whatever ppl call it nowadays, but which Kintype of mine are you? border collie, alien, or riolu?

published on January 11

how do you act around strangers?

how do you act around strangers?
motivated to strike up a conversation, potentially becoming  friends with the person
motivated to strike up a conversation, potentially becoming
friends with the person
anxious and shy, not paying them much attention and keeping  any contact short
anxious and shy, not paying them much attention and keeping
any contact short
interested in them, but unmotivated to talk unless spoken to first
interested in them, but unmotivated to talk unless spoken to first
none of the above / a mix of these
none of the above / a mix of these

how do you react when someone is troubled?

how do you react when someone is troubled?
i give them positive attention / gifts / words
i give them positive attention / gifts / words
i listen to them attentively and offer advice if needed
i listen to them attentively and offer advice if needed
i give them space to cool down
i give them space to cool down
i feel powerless and apologize for not being able to help more
i feel powerless and apologize for not being able to help more
i give them a big hug and tell them everything will be okay
i give them a big hug and tell them everything will be okay

what is the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?

what is the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
roll back over and try to sleep more
roll back over and try to sleep more
check my phone
check my phone
do something to wake me up more, like stretching
do something to wake me up more, like stretching
make myself breakfast or coffee
make myself breakfast or coffee
self care, like washing my face or brushing my teeth
self care, like washing my face or brushing my teeth

what is your primary love language?

what is your primary love language?
acts of service
acts of service
physical touch
physical touch
quality time
quality time
gift giving / receiving
gift giving / receiving
words of affirmation
words of affirmation
none / a mix
none / a mix

how do you assess a situation before going into it?

how do you assess a situation before going into it?
thinking about each individual factor
thinking about each individual factor
thinking about the most likely outcome
thinking about the most likely outcome
i dont think, just do
i dont think, just do

how would you react if you were given bad news?

how would you react if you were given bad news?
instantly cry / panic
instantly cry / panic
try to see the bright side
try to see the bright side
think of ways to improve or solve the situation
think of ways to improve or solve the situation
get frustrated
get frustrated

sorry its short im trying to get back into quiz making (this will not affect your score)

sorry its short im trying to get back into quiz making (this will not affect your score)
it ok !
it ok !