family guy (1) Which are you from the show? Peter, lois, brian, stewie, meg or chris? sophie26art published on May 01, 2016 Stacked 1/9 What is your fave fruit? Apple Banana Rasberry Gwava Passionfruit Olive 2/9 What is your fave show? Anything spike tv Teletubbies Loose women Porn Anything sad A dating show 3/9 Dogs are... Sweet Mans best friend Like me The only creature i like Can talk Mean 4/9 Your fave type of music is... Rock Jazz Piano Classical Opera Sad music 5/9 Your fave movie is... Romantic Womens Comody Docomentery Action Sad 6/9 Whats the most important to you? True love Friends Doing it regulary To have fun To be nicen To ge my wayt 7/9 What is your fave colour White Green Yellow Red Blue Pink 8/9 Who your fave family member?ve My dog My mum Non My partner My dad My child 9/9 What your pla?ce Petoria Spain The white house My own house France Hollywood