Which Trafalgar FYC Peer Mentor are you most like? Try this quiz for a fun way to get to know Sheridan Trafalgar's peer mentors! FYCSHER published on August 23, 2018 Stacked 1/10 What is your biggest pet peeve? Decaf coffee Oh, just one? Being woken by loud noises Bigotry 2/10 What kind of dog are you? Golden retriever Samoyed Cocker Spaniel Tibetan Mastiff 3/10 What dessert are you? Oreo ice-cream cheesecake Tiramisu Sweet Potato Ginger Soup Blueberry cheesecake 4/10 What T.V. show are you? The Wendy Williams Show Queer Eye Adventure Time Hannibal 5/10 What Hogwarts house are you in? Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin 6/10 What's your favourite season? Fall Summer Spring Winter 7/10 What is our favourite flower? Sunflower Tulip Snapdragon Venus flytrap 8/10 Which Britney are you? Side-eye Britney Casual Britney Denim Britney Crisis Britney 9/10 Order something from Tims: Where's Starbucks? Small black coffee Extra-large black English breakfast tea Hot chocolate, half white/half regular 10/10 What day of the week are you? Sunday Saturday Tuesday Friday