what mlp character are you do you want to know who you are in mlp well take this quiz here and click MeowMeowMarta published on April 29, 2015 Stacked 1/6 ew i just steped in dog poop uhhh ima lick it i knew it was there ohhh 2/6 your friend just had a major breakup you... not my problem help them anything you want um 3/6 howloween ima be a princess but i already am a dog no cat no cow COOKIE! ima give out candy im scared 4/6 your walking all a suden everyone comes running toard you,you... you run in fear and cry you stay and follow along you stop and everyone else follows your lead you ask politly to stop 5/6 do you like cokies Oh yeah i love em ill be fat um ill do anything for em 6/6 you cleaning maid COOKIE um whatever you tell me