What is your spirit animal? (3) This is a quiz that will identify what animal you are most like (Inner animal), Enjoy ;) anonymous-user-eT1gCl published on November 27, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Which do you like to eat more? Steak, Steak, OHH and steak Bugs >:) Salad (good for my sexiness) Small disposable animals Carrots Hmm... Chicken and beef HORSE (me: :'( ) 2/10 Now for the dreaded question >:(Which characteristics describe you the most? (you thought I was gonna ask you favorite color didn't you) Shy, Kind, Scares easy, Caring Clever, Intelligent, Pleasant, Brainiach Brave, Nice, WAY to protective (like annoyingly protective), Smart Funny, Bubbly, Silly, Life of any party Sexy, VERY attractive, boy/girl magnet, AWESOME Leader, Protective, brave/selfless, Not always serious Fierce, Ruthless, Brave, Dosen't know when to stop 3/10 Rp time YAY Cool As long as It expresses my sexiness I'm game O-ok Sure :D Got noting better to do 4/10 Rp- Your crush asks you out on a date, where would you go? A beautiful moon light forest walk A romantic movie Amusement park! Fancy expensive restaurant to talk about me! Skydiving His/Her house to talk Library or museum 5/10 Rp- Your walking home at night because you had a late shift when you hear a muffled scream, what do you do? Watch and wait for someone to do something Help them by beating up attacker, no person left behind Call police come up with a well though out plan Run in blindly and then get rid of the evidence (you killed the attacker) There not worth the time ill walk away and laugh Make a quick comedian show to stop this nonsense 6/10 Rp- Ok you are walking with your in the park at night when a werewolf pops out of nowhere, what do you do? Trip the friend that is closest to your left then run I'm to pretty to die Kill the werewolf slowly for the entertainment tell jokes and distract it until the moon is gone Tell your friends to run, as leader I must protect them with my life Fight it with them Think of a stratistic plan Stare in horror 7/10 Rp over That was to short oh well NOO *sniff *sniff Ok Waste of time Alright Don't fret it is quite alright Whateves 8/10 Now, what is your favorite color?Thought I wasn't gonna ask did you Black and your blood will spill*growles (me: Whimpers* Yello Baby blue, Bagie Green, Aqua Orange, White Purple, Pink Blue, Grey, Black 9/10 Pick one Educational book Yellow Flower (Me: hehe see what I did there) Money Friends My nose Knife/Dagger Lucky Hat 10/10 The end Good bye new friend See ya soon Waste of time you #*&$%$#^ Whatever Bye :) I will see you later my new aquantince Later stay outta trouble (Me: I promise nothing)