Price and Kensington: Espresso Colour Personality Quiz Find your Price and Kensington espresso colour personality with our new online quiz. Are you a passionate red or a loyal navy blue? published on October 13, 2014 Stacked 1/9 What would you save first, in a fire? Don't know My partner Everyone Photographs My family My pet Myself Everything I can carry My most treasured processions 2/9 When do you turn to coffee? When I'm spending time with friends When I'm relaxing When I'm listening to my friend's problems When I'm studying Never When I'm tired When I want a coffee When I need to work late When I'm with family 3/9 If you had to add something to your coffee, what would it be? Maybe more sugar or syrup Cinnamon Marshmallows Cream Lots of milk Water More coffee What do you think I should add? I love trying new flavours 4/9 Where do you enjoy your coffee? In many different places After a romantic meal In a coffee shop with friends At home I don't enjoy coffee Outside Alone At work Everywhere 5/9 What word best describes you? Always smiling Passionate Optimist Calm Reliable Down to earth Dominate Hard Worker Creative 6/9 How would you describe your love for coffee? I like drinking coffee but I also like tea I love the taste of a freshly brewed coffee I love warm, comforting drinks like hot chocolate I love the caffeine buzz I hate the taste of coffee It's really good for your mind and body Coffee is the best drink you can order Everyone loves coffee It's delicious 7/9 How do you take your coffee? It depends How I like it Milky With sugar and milk I don't like coffee Black 2 shots of espresso, no milk or sugar Like everyone else Sometimes a little milk 8/9 What do you normally order? Not sure Cappuccino Hot Chocolate Whatever I feel like English breakfast tea Herbal tea Espresso Other Matcha Tea 9/9 How often to you like to drink coffee? Not sure A couple of time a week Whenever I am out About twice a day I don't In the morning Everyday A lot When I'm feeling tired