How well do u know me? Are u a true friend or nawh so take this quiz to see if u know me well. CelesteA published on June 21, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Whos my favorite dog? Cermit/kermit Charlie Ramses 2/10 Whos my crush? Rams Brandon Mikie 3/10 What my favorite colour? Blood red Cyan blue Yellow 4/10 How many crushes did I have 11 4 6 5/10 When's my birthday 9/9/03 6/4/04 8/2/03 6/10 If you were a guard at Samsung wouldn't u be guardian of the galaxies? Idk Yes No 7/10 I'm I dating someone No not anymore Yes Idk 8/10 What's my favorite sport? Hockey Swim Softball 9/10 Am I straight,bisexaul,or lesboan Bisexaul Stright Lesbian 10/10 Whats my favorite food? Chips&fruits Healthy food Shit