anxiety this quiz will help us know how much of people do have aniety and how can we help them to solve it. miraabd2 published on December 28, 2017 Stacked 1/16 what is your gender? female male 2/16 Do you experience episodes of intense fear or panic, that may be accompanied by one or more of the following sensations: racing heart, sweating, lightheadedness, a feeling like something very bad is going to happen (impending doom), shortness of breath, chest pains, extreme nervousness, shaking, and you feel like you have to get out? strongly agree strongly disagree disagree neutral agree 3/16 Do you find yourself worrying or being afraid a lot? strongly disagree agree disagree neutral strongly agree 4/16 Do you find yourself avoiding certain situations because you are afraid that your anxiety might spike or you might have a panic attack? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 5/16 Do you get panicky when standing in a line, stuck in traffic, in a crowd, or at a place where you feel you can't escape or get out if you need to? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 6/16 When you go to a new place, do you find out where the exits and washrooms are, just in case? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 7/16 Are you nervous a lot? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 8/16 Do you always feel relax? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 9/16 Are you generally impatient? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 10/16 Do you sometimes feel like you are losing your mind, and then become afraid that you might be? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 11/16 Do you worry about your symptoms and/or how you feel a lot? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 12/16 Do you say yes to people's requests when you'd rather say no? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 13/16 How would you rate your self-esteem (how you feel about yourself)? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 14/16 Has nervousness, worry, or anxiety prevented you from doing something? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 15/16 How often do you have trouble with sleep (can't fall asleep, wake up too early and can't go back to sleep, wake up numerous times, can't sleep at all, etc.)? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 16/16 Do you consider yourself to be an anxious person? strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree