Are you a good person? (2) Maybe? Maybe not? Please enjoy and you can see if your a good person truly! Loveisgreat123 published on March 02, 2015 Stacked 1/8 If you saw a skinny cat or dog lying on your porch, would you try to save it or kick it to the curb? OmgomgomgomgYES No Yes 2/8 Are you hot? (Ask anyone accept you bf of gf) Heck yaa! He/she/it said yes. Not in my opinion... :( 3/8 ARE you a good person? "Ok so you robbed that bank? GREAT YOU DID" ehhh I mean yes... I think... I asked and they said yes 4/8 Have you every killed a living things? Yes.. My plant.. Harold I gave him to much water *starts crying* Yep!!! On purpose and a cute bunny too!! MUAHAHAHAHAHHA Nothing. No one. Not even Harold 5/8 Are you ready to end the quiz?? No Yes I don't even like it soooo YA 6/8 Ok now it's time for YOLO!!! ANSWER ANSWER! WAT 7/8 Jk one more HA Nooo Yaa 8/8 Sorry! Hi What's this quiz again??