What should you be for halloween? (1) wondering what to be for halloween? well heres the sulution... THIS QUIZ! enjoy now! pinkie.pie111 published on November 07, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Whats your fav coulour? dark coulours Rainbow Pink 2/7 Are you a nerd,jock or a prep? Nerd Jock Prep 3/7 How would you describe yourself best? funny,pretty sweet Nerdy,geeky clever Cool,Awsome fun 4/7 are you cool,cooler or awsome? Cool Cooler AWSOME! 5/7 Favourite Ever After High student? Raven Ashlynn Blondie 6/7 Favourite Moshling Cali Pinestien Ecto 7/7 What movie? Frozen Lilo and stich Mrs Doubtfire