How Pretty Are You? (6) Find out if you are pretty here! Don't worry; there is no ugly. I don't think anyone is ugly. The_Cute_Cheetah_Girl published on September 22, 2015 Stacked 1/6 Do you have glasses or braces? Neither. Both. Glasses. Braces. 2/6 What type of hair do you have? Curly. Straight. Wavy. Frizzy. 3/6 How tall are you? Average. Above average. Below average. Really tall. Really short. 4/6 What color hair do you have? Blonde. Red. Brown. Orange. Dyed. Black. 5/6 How long is your hair? Down to shoulders. Below shoulders. Bald. Really short. 6/6 How skinny are you? Really skinny. Kind of skinny. Average. Chubby. Really fat. (lol, fat is a funny word!! :p)