Are you a Wolf or a Hare? This test is to see who you would be.Are you a pretor who is respected for their strengths or a small fluffy thing others prey on? EclipsedWolf13 published on July 21, 2015 Stacked 1/12 Can you change with the seasons? Yup,need to adapt to get food. Yeah,gotta stay out of sight. 2/12 Do you like being surrounded by others like you? Yeah!Me and my friends work together better than apart! Nah.I can survive on my own.But I do sometimes like that. 3/12 What food do you prefer the most? Meat and some other stuff like that.Its good. Mostly veggies. 4/12 How are you seen by others? I'm seen as a bit intimidating and scary.Im mostly misunderstood. Others like to be around me.They think I'm nice just by looking at me. 5/12 Would you like the idea of being a leader of some sort? I'd rise up to the challenge.If it helps my family and friends than I'd become a leader. I'm better off a solider or a scout or something. 6/12 When do you feel love is around you the most? January or February January or August 7/12 When do you mostly run? Whenever I want exercise or chase someone or something When I fear scared or see something I want 8/12 Do you like looking down on others? Yes.It lets me see almost everyone and everything Not really.I like to stay grounded and see around me 9/12 Where would you want to live in the woods? A cave near food and water. A hole in the ground. 10/12 Do you like to roughhouse with family members? Yeah,we like to play like that.Fighting isn't always meant to be anger. No.We like to play it safe. 11/12 How do you feel about the woods? I love running through them!Exploring my territory is fun! I love to find holes in trees or the ground I can call home. 12/12 What's your favorite sense? Smell Hearing Touch Seeing Taste