Would you be a good warrior apprentice?

Would you be a good warrior apprentice?

This quiz will tell you if you’d be a bratty, evil apprentice or a respectful, clever little apprentice everyone loves. Thanks for clicking and enjoy!

published on June 02, 2022

You are out hunting with some friends and you smell a weird scent on the territory, what do you do?

I search around and look for any intruders, after an unsuccessful search, I’d
continue my hunt. If I smell it again, I’ll tell some older cats and ask the d...
I’ll sniff around a bit. But right now I’m hunting and I’m starved, gotta hurry and get

the prey back for the clan so we can eat.
I don’t care about the stupid smell. I’m hunting for my dumb clan I don’t even like.
If I see the cat who has the scent on them, I’ll ask if they’re bad and...
I’ll search a bit, and look around. I’ll end my hunting and tell some older cats what I

smelt. Surely it can’t be good.
I’ll sniff once or twice and continue hunting. I’m not really happy right now anyways

so forget my caring that much.

The leader picks you for the gathering tonight. How do you act?

I attack everyone and kill them all, even the leaders. They’re useless and stupid.
Now I rule the forest and territories and no one can stop me. Hahaha!
I’ll chat a little with everyone and not share any secret clan information. I’ll help any

elderly cats sit off they need to and reassure any young apprenti...
I’ll talk a bit and share some stuff about my day. Then be quiet for the gathering the

rest of the time.
I’ll start an argument with some cat and accuse them of trying to attack me to get
them in trouble, and then everyone will start accusing everyone of bad th...
I’ll chat a lot. I won’t stay quiet. I’m so excited.

The leader is on their last life, coughing and puking, muttering, and has a horrible fever. What do you do?

I’ll help the medicine cat with herbs. I might be a warrior apprentice but sometimes
you gotta do things for the best! I’ll calm them down and get some wet ...
I’ll slice their throat open and take over. ?
I’ll just sit and wait for the death. The medicine cat is useless. What’ll they do?
I’ll help with herbs even though I’m a warrior apprentice.
I’ll get wet moss for their head.

You are on herb patrol with the medicine cat and they start chatting with you. What do you plan to talk about?

I ask them about which herbs we’re looking for and the best spots to find them.
Herbs are super important.
I’ll tell them I don’t really care about herbs and I don’t really need them nor do
I’ll ask them where to find the herbs and what to get then ask her if she needs any
help in the medicine cat den at all today and if so, I’ll be there.
I’ll not chat, no I won’t! I’ll slice them in half and rip their herbs up. Then say they
drowned in the river.
I’ll ask what herbs she needs and then take them to her.

You witness five warriors taken by twolegs in your territory. What are you going to do?

I pray to starclan to keep them safe and run to camp, alerting all the warriors and
evacuating with the queens, elders and kits. I take some herbs with me f...
I cackle and laugh and hide away in bushes and strut off towards the other clans
territory to steal prey. Do you actually think I care? ?
I’ll pray to starclan and tell the warriors what happened.
Run back to camp and tell the leader.
I’ll just hide away in the bushes and go to sleep.

You are just given a mentor and you don’t seem to like them and never talk to them that much. What do you do?

I’ll wait for them to take me out to train and I’ll kill them. I’ll blame it on RiverClan
or shadowclan. Or even a clanmate.
It doesn’t matter who they are, as long as they are nice and besides, I just want to
learn and be a good cat. Is there much to that? :D
I don’t know, never speak to them much but I guess I’ll handle em. I don’t mind.
I’ll attack them and run away, I don’t like them and never will.
I’ve never really spoke to them before, I’ll meet them and see if they’re alright.
Besides, I don’t mind that much, they are my assigned mentor.

The territories all get burned down and you’re forced to move. What do you do?

I’ll stay alone in the territory and plot my evil plan with some other cats.
I’ll kill all the cats with smoke in their lungs and easily take out the clans, easy as
I’ll help everyone get to somewhere safe and sheltered and get honey for their
I’ll race and get every cat into somewhere safe. Get herbs for the medicine cat. Go
back to the territories and search for any remaining cats. And hope ever...
I’ll just walk away somewhere safe and get homey for my lungs. Then I’ll nap.

Your camp is being attacked by badgers, what do you do?!

I have to help all the elders, queens and kits out. Then I’ll come back and attack all
the badgers and protect my other clan mates!
I’ll just watch everyone die, I want them to. I’ll even help kill them. Now g’day.
I’ll just stand frozen in the corner, I’ll try to move and get attacked-
I’ll help all the elders, queens and kits out and hide with them, reassuring their
I’ll watch. Simple as can be.