how welcomed would you be in the dark forest or starclan? Plz ignore this description i didn't know what to write... hi ummm... here is my description ShadowDrawz published on November 27, 2019 Stacked 1/15 are you related to a hated cat? yes and i try to follow in their in their foot steps yes but i try to forget what they have done to my clan no but i was their greatest follower and still am no yes 2/15 what do you prey on? mice/vole/other small rodents birds and lizards squirrels other clan's prey the blood of my enemys 3/15 who would you miss if you went to starclan/ the dark forest my mate my kits my parents my leader my friends my littermates my clanmates someone from a different clan I HATE EVERYBODY!!!!!!! *runs away crying* 4/15 how did you die? i was attacked as a kit i was killed alongside my mentor during a raid at the end of my apprenticeship i was killed during an attempt to kill my enemy the leader of an enemy clan killed me when i tried to attack his clan i died while giving birth to my kits i died in my last hour of old age I was killed by a rouge on a patrol 5/15 what rank were you in before your death? kit apprentice warrior medicine cat queen leader senior warrior elder 6/15 do you try to help your clan? yes no i don't care about my clan i help them and i try to lead along side my leader 7/15 how many stars? 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 8/15 have you ever disrespected the warrior code? whatever is broken all the time once or twice... never i care about my clan and know whats good for me i have had a mate and i am a medicine cat tons of times who even cares about it 9/15 what clan were you in before you died? thnderclan shadowclan riverclan skyclan windclan or a custom clan 10/15 who is your idle? firestar blustar tigerstar scourge mistystar hawkfrost bramblestar 11/15 where do you hope you will end up? Starclan, so you can see your family and clanmates again Dark forest, you don't really care for your clan Starclan, you have enemies but you don't worry about what will happen Dark forest, you still love your mate, and kits, but won't miss them too much 12/15 do you respect your leader? yes very much i look up to him/her and love them as a mother/father meh they could have done better they get under my skin and i hate being bossed around i hate them they are horrible and only care for themselves i follow them just because everyone else does i like to do my own thing 13/15 How do you clanmates feel about you? you are highly respected and looked up to you are feared for how aggressive you are you are neither feared nor respected you are in starclan but know you have broken rules 14/15 what crimes have you committed? none my conscience is clear(me: oh, suuuuuuuure...) I've broken the warrior code once or twice i have killed quite a few cats I've killed at least 10 cats and attacked my leader 15/15 how many cats have you killed? a few but while defending yourself and those you love tons i can't even count i haven't harmed any cat(me: LIES!!!) maybe like 10 be for my own personal reasons