which ROHS freshman is your soulmate? maybe your soulmate has been right in front of you this whole time and you never knew! take this quiz to find out if its true! harryxgames published on November 10, 2017 Stacked 1/5 what is your best feature? my humor my kindness my looks my weirdness my strength 2/5 what do you look for in someone you like? they have to be funny they have to be sweet they have to be hot they have to be weird they have to be straight up 3/5 what attribute do you admire most? bravery kindness intelligence darkness 4/5 what is your typical reaction to when something funny is sent to you wtf LMAO OMG IM SCREAMING SKJHHDKUHSPIUSIU im dead LOLLLLL 5/5 and finally, what is something you'd like most about your soulmate? i like how they make me laugh everytime i see them i like how their smile makes me smile i like how they always look perfect i like how theyre always honest with me i like how they are so fun