Do i care about your life? this quiz will determine wether you matter to me or not, have fun, except if you get a bad result, then have a bad time jaylenisspike published on November 27, 2018 Stacked 1/5 you open up a computer, which would you search the new rap song pokemon fusions memes and vines 2/5 there is a fedora that costs 60 dollars but looks really edgy, do you buy it i would be skeptical but might buy it i would buy it without hesitation hecks no 3/5 there is a cat breaking everything in your house dont do anything yell at it to stop join it 4/5 you see applesauce, what do you do chug it! grab a spoon and eat it throw it away 5/5 you see a new undertale au wiki read it and think its cool make fun of it by making a couple jokes open inspect and mess it all up