Are you souless? There's nothing wrong with being souless like me. It is kind of similar to depression, but to be a souless, you are also violent, and manipulative. SoulessSorrow published on October 22, 2020 Stacked 1/6 What do you think you'll get? I don't think I don't care. Souless! Hybrid! Human! 2/6 Have you ever considered suicide NU Yes, a lot. Tried it. 3/6 Do you feel emotions UH, DUH! Why ask me this! Sometimes. Never regret, though. What's an emotion? 4/6 Fate. FAAAAAAAAATEEEEEEEE! Fate F*** fate 5/6 Have you ever tried to hurt yourself? NO! WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME! Just a little. Like, maybe once in a while. Always. 6/6 What do you think of this? GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME KILL IT WITH FIRE AHHHHHHHHH I'm disturbed. Can I kill it? Meh. Imma kill it cus I wanna.