which hobbit character are you? This is a test to see which hobbit character you are such as bilbo baggins, gandalf and more assassinkiller published on May 26, 2014 Stacked 1/7 how would you describe yourself noble greedy peaceful selfish brave people person shy 2/7 if someone offers you gold what would you give him in return nothing weapons kill him food helms every thing on you 3/7 do you like elves yes no 4/7 what is your reputation towards gold if its not mine we have a probelm happy to share it keep it locked up borrow people gold you dont really care for gold 5/7 what is your weapon of choice warhammer bow sword daggers windlance axe sting staff 6/7 if an orc sees you what do you do run kill it shoot it in the neck throw a dagger at it send someone to kill it for you stand there sneak up to it then kill it let him go nothing 7/7 what do you like to do in your spare time walk hunt read eat talk hike mine forge