Which Wammy's House Child are You? (Death Note)

Which Wammy's House Child are You? (Death Note)

Do you like Death Note? Have you ever wondered which Wammy's House child you are at heart? This quiz includes Near, Mello, Matt. Constructive criticism is welcome.

published on June 28, 2018

In Science Class, you're given an assignment to work on. You can either work in a group of six people, have a partner to work with, or work alone. What do you choose?

In Science Class, you're given an assignment to work on. You can either work in a group of six people, have a partner to work with, or work alone. What do you choose?
I'll work alone. Unless the topic is something I'm interested in, the project might not get
I'll team up with a buddy. We just mess around until we're running out of time and we
pull our work. It's unlikely that we finished well or on time, but it ...
I join a big group of people I know. We joke and goof around and tease eachother while
we each pull our own weight, and the project gets done generally well.
I roll on my own, but I still sit with or close to people I know well so I can ask if I'm
confused about something, and my project is completed well, with g...
I can't choose, so I get thrown in with the other student who were too akward, shy, or
confused to ask anyone. No one really knows eachother, so we all just...
I team up with another, quiet, but hard-working student who got left out of the bigger
groups. We keep on task, finishing the project well.

You're told a Math topic that you must learn. What kind of learning style suits you best?

You're told a Math topic that you must learn. What kind of learning style suits you best?
Visual (seeing a formula, using counters, and drawing (or seeing) a picture or a graph
can help you understand how something works)
Aural (listening to songs, hearing stories about the topic, and hearing someone explain
it will help you memorize it)
Logical (memorizing orderly steps to understand how to solve full equations is always
good for you, and you'll take the problem step by step, rarely forgett...
Verbal (repeating something aloud and writing it down helps you gain a better
understanding of it)
Kinetic (you learn well by doing stuff a crazy amount of times over and over again. The
more you solve a certain type of equation, the better you'll remembe...
I don't actually know. It's quite the mix of multiple styles.

What are your hobbies like?

What are your hobbies like?
I enjoy interesting stuff that I have general control over, and make me feel a range of
things (games, engineering, designing things)
My hobbies are quite physical, are often fast-paced, and can have incredibly satisfying
outcomes (sports, baking, building)
The things that I enjoy require patience, they let my creativity loose, and aren't very
stressful (art, reading, writing)

Two people have backed your friend into a corner and are teasing him. You...

Two people have backed your friend into a corner and are teasing him. You...
Yell at the jerks to back off, and that I'm are about to hurt someone if they don't leave.
You don't mess with my friends.
Walk away. I don't know to solve this situation. Probably feel guilty afterwards.
I'd have someone create a distraction, and help my friend once the people are gone. It's
only simple teasing, so a loud noise or someone screaming "FIGHT ME...
I'd probably get in the way of the people and lightly push them back.
I'd walk up behind them, put my hands on their heads and bang the two together. You
treat people like trash, I'll treat you like trash.
Watch from the sidelines until it get started out of hand. Than I just stroll up, grab my
buddy's wrist, and drag them away.

How is your sleep?

How is your sleep?
I'm usually asleep around the time I need to be asleep. "Idiots happen" when because
people get tired.
I don't sleep too much, but I don't feel all that tired in the morning, either.
I can stay up, but I tend to let myself fall asleep if I want to. It's blissful.
Really depends on what I am up to, and if something happened recently that I need to
think about.
I stay up and think about whatever is going on, or I'll get busy with thinking out
scenarios I'd like to happen.
I tend to stay up late so I have more time to enjoy my hobbies, but I'll probably be
exhausted when morning comes.

What do you think Kira?

What do you think Kira?
There's nothing good about him. He's insane, and a cold-blooded murderer.
I can understand his judgement on a personal level, so I kind of agree with him.
As long as I don't do something bad, he doesn't affect me. I don't particularly care
about him.
Yes, he's done "good" for the world, but he's still murdering people. A horrible man.
I have better things to do than to worry about him.
He's interesting, but in such a horribly wrong place in his mind.

What do you wear out in public?

What do you wear out in public?
Comfortable, baggy clothing.
Something unique and interesting.
Something intimidating, or cool.
Something trendy.
Whatever's around at the time, dirty or not. Or what I'm wearing at the time.
Whatever I feel like wearing, although it changes a lot based on the situation and how I

Where are you on the social scale?

Where are you on the social scale?
Introverted (enjoys large bouts of alone time)
Ambiverted (enjoys company, but still has no problem with being alone)
Extroverted (enjoys hanging out with others often)

What colors do you like the most?

What colors do you like the most?
Anything bright, like hot colours (reds, oranges, yellows)!
Cool and calm colors are always nice (blues, greens, purples).
Dark colours are nice. (maroon, browns, greys, black, navy blue).
Something complex involving dark gradients.
I don't particularity care about colours. They're unimportant.
I kinda just like all colors.

You see the box of a weapon, that you know is generally illegal, on the ground. You would..

You see the box of a weapon, that you know is generally illegal, on the ground. You would..
Leave it. It's not my business.
Leave it. If my fingerprints get on it or I'm seen with it, I may get in some trouble.
I pick it up and check inside for the weapon. If it's in there, I decide whether or not I
bring it to someone or keep it. If it isn't in there, I put the bo...
I leave it on the ground, but go tell someone that I can trust to see what we can do with
I pick up the box, and throw it in the nearest trash can I see.
I pick it up, check inside for the weapon, and bring it to someone trustworthy
immediately (like an adult or police officer) no matter if the weapon is ther...

What kind of weather do you enjoy being outside in?

What kind of weather do you enjoy being outside in?
Clear Sky, Warm/Hot.
(lot's of freedom, and you can really enjoy cold and refreshing things)
Clear Sky/A Few Small Clouds
(Just as fun, but cooler than any hot day, so you can stay out for longer, and metal stuff
doesn't burn you to death)
Somewhat Cloudy, Slightly Chilly
(a nice, calm day for a stroll, but can still be interesting)
Overcast, Dark, Chilly
(less people, incredibly quiet)
(there's mud, worms, and puddles to play in)
Super Windy
(refreshing, cold, and fun to stand in)
(oddly serene, fascinating)
(andrenalin pumping, disorienting, and icy)
(lots to do, build, and dig, it's very cold, and looks mesmerizingly beautiful during the

Do you do anything weird when you're thinking about something?

Do you do anything weird when you're thinking about something?
I have to chew on something, which is usually my nails, snacks, pencils, etc.
Eh, not really. I zone out hard, though.
Yeah, I play with my clothes, hair, fidget toys, stuff like that when I'm in deep thought.

How do you sit?

How do you sit?
I sit in quite a normal way, actually. I'm usually not slouched, feet close to the floor, and
I may put my feet up if I'm sitting on a couch.
I sit criss-crossed on literally everything, even actual chairs.
I usually have one of my legs up to my chest. I either sit on my other leg, or let it
dangle off of the chair. I sit like this on pretty much anything.
I like to sit on both of my legs.
I sit tend to sit in a really laid-back way, slid down on the chair, but still with a wide
I usually sit with both of my legs up on the chair.

What kind of food do you favor the most?

What kind of food do you favor the most?
I'm don't mind one over the other.
I'm a bit picky, so these broad categories don't matter as much compared to what the
exact food is.