Which Cereal Mascot are You? Have you ever wondered what cereal mascot you'd be in a fantasy world? Well now you can find out once and for all! Luigi25 published on August 26, 2018 Stacked 1/10 What's your favorite cereal on this list? Trix Frosted Flakes, they're Gr-rr-rrrr-rrrreat!!!! Lucky Charms Cocoa Puffs Froot Loops 2/10 What's your favorite animal on this list? None of the ones on this list. Rabbit Toucan I LIKE BIRDS. TWEET TWEET TWEET COCKADOODLEDOOOOOOOOOOOOO They're all Grrrrrrrreat!!! 3/10 What's your favorite color? Orange Blue Green WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA RAINBOW!!!!!! 4/10 Pick a Youtuber JackSepticEye PopularMMOs Markiplier A Youtuber PewDiePie 5/10 What would be great to eat right now? A nice bowl of fruit. CHOOOCCCOOOLATEEE!!!! Maybe some S'mores! Cereal. XD OH, BUT THEY'RE ALL SO GRRRRREAT!!! 6/10 Pick a movie Leprechaun (The horror movie with Jennifer Anniston) The Lion King The Wizard of Oz A MOVIE CALLED MEMETOPIA, A LAND FULL OF MEMES. Disclaimer: It hasn't been made yet! I just love memes! Rio 7/10 What's your favorite season of the year? Winter Summer Spring Fall PEPPER IS MY FAVORITE SEASONING. I LIKE SEASONZOMO. 8/10 Which of these songs would you prefer to listen to? Shape of You - Ed Sheeran All the Way - Jacksepticeye A kids song where bunnies hop around!!! YAY!!! EVERY SONG IS GRRRRRRRREAT!!! Gabe the Doggo - Borkfrica 9/10 Favorite Drink? CHOKOLATE MILK BABEEE Milk Fresh Water! Ah... I like a little good old coffee, irished up a little bit. Carrot Juice! YAY!!!! 10/10 If you had one wish, which of these would you wish for? A lifetime supply of marshmallows!!! CHOKOLATE STATUES AND CHEEZE WIZZ WITH A CHEERRY DO THEY COME IN GRREEEN? To be a kid forever! What if...snow was edible... For life to always be a party! yeah!