Pick a creature and i'll know your worst flaw in a relationship ten questions, straightforward title. the animals we're prone to pick reflect us a bit anonymous-user-0prab5 published on January 27, 2020 Stacked 1/10 Pick one you could see yourself paying attention to as you sit in the bleachers of yet another soccer tournament for your little brother. Ant/s Grasshopper Person beside me's pet Beetle Hawk in the sky Mantis busy watching jojo 2/10 Which bond do you find in the animal kingdom the cutest? Mama bear to cubs Food and chef Birds to their young Pseudoscorpions and beetles Sea turtles to their young Sea horses busy watching jojo 3/10 you wish you could be treated like a (blank) by your partner Male mantis Puppy Cat Lion Horse Deer Busy watching ojoj 4/10 Every animal in the world goes to one big orgy party on a cruise called "noah's arc." whos the most domineering species in everyones ass Ants Noah Lions Cheetahs Gorillas Female mantises Stands 5/10 Which dog's face is the cutest? Schnauzers Huskies Any long eared, tired dog Hellhounds Poodle Chow chow Izzy 6/10 Which continent or place do most of the animals you admire come from? Asia The americas Africa The cracks of walls, rafters, and the shitter The soil Hives Hirohiko araki's mangas 7/10 "If only people were more like (blank)" Ants and worked together Bees and protected the vulnerable Eagles and didnt give a shit what others do Puppies and were cuddly with each other Cubs and accepted affection and nurturing Sloths and it was perfectly acceptable to sleep 3/4 of the day Dung beetles and didnt judge other's hobbies Akitas so we were all a little japanese 8/10 If you have beastiality issues will you please tell me so i can report you to the police yes of course why would i im normal dw No 9/10 You treat your partner the most like theyre A wolf A cat An owl A fish A kitten A horse Extinct as i spend my time watching *sasuke uCHICHA* 10/10 Which animal would you hate to work with the most as a human? Alpha wolf Snake Chihuahua Sloth Owl I dont care Like I'd be working