Would we like you? *five nights at freddys edition* This quiz is to see if the Fnaf characters would like you or not or kill you or not so I hope you like this quiz. anonymous-user-JjQqQC published on April 18, 2015 Stacked 1/6 Do you like horror games? Yea of course Y-yes Nope! Maybe 2/6 Do you like pizza? Yes! Uh yea of course! Um no I'm a vegetarian Meh, I like burgers better 3/6 If your car breaks down, and a killer is after you, what would you do? Cry and ask why did I have to be in this mess? Try to make friends Punch him in the nuts Run just book it man!! XD 4/6 What's your favourite colour? Brown/black Red Purple Yellow/gold 5/6 Who's your favourite animatronic? Freddy fazbear Bonnie the bunny Chica the chicken Foxy the pirate fox 6/6 Lastly, do you think that you would survive the 7 nights? Yes Nope! Probably... Im like a wild a animal when i get cornered, ill punch them straight in the nuts!