What Dungeons and Dragons class are you? The twelve 5e classes: barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, warlock and wizard. anonymous-user-4pEgyU published on May 23, 2019 Stacked 1/14 Choose an alignment. Lawful good Neutral good Chaotic good Lawful neutral True neutral Chaotic neutral Lawful evil Neutral evil Chaotic evil 2/14 Choose a race. Dragonborn Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-elf Halfling Half-orc Human Tiefling 3/14 Might or magic? Might Magic 4/14 Which is strongest in you? IQ (intelligence quotient) - rational thinking, memory, problem solving EQ (emotional quotient) - empathy, leadership, social skills SQ (spiritual quotient) - wisdom, awareness, deeper understanding 5/14 Which would you stand a better chance in? A contest of strength A contest of agility 6/14 High damage, high healing or high defense? High damage High healing High defense Jack of all stats, master of none 7/14 Choose a colour. Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Pink Black White 8/14 Do you care more about the effectiveness of your class or the “aesthetic”? Effectiveness. Function is more important than form. Aesthetic. I’d rather have a fun, interesting character than a strong one. Give me either. I care about both equally. 9/14 Which of the four temperaments are you? Sanguine (boisterous, bubbly, chatty, openly emotional extrovert) Choleric (proud, extroverted, goal-oriented “alpha”) Melancholic (emotionally sensitive, perfectionistic introvert) Phlegmatic (meek, passive introvert who lives to please others) 10/14 Are you an optimist, a cynic or a realist? Optimist Cynic Realist I don’t commit myself to any worldview 11/14 Choose a role in a typical Five-Man Band of heroes. The Hero - the honourable leader determined to achieve their goals The Lancer - the hero’s foil, pragmatic and mischievous rather than noble The Smart One - the brains of the operation The Big Guy - the bruiser of the team who kicks ass and takes names The Heart - a kind, nurturing force, serves as the group’s mediator 12/14 Choose a sin. Pride Lust Gluttony Envy Greed Wrath Sloth 13/14 Choose a magical creature. Dragon Unicorn Seraphim Demon Fae Griffin 14/14 What is your zodiac sign? Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces