Financial Harmony or Discord? Find out how you and your partner manage money together. Take this quiz to find out! michelle published on April 09, 2024 Stacked 1/11 How do you prefer to track expenses? Don't track expenses at all Together in a shared spreadsheet Separately with occasional updates Using a budgeting app 2/11 How often do you discuss financial goals? Daily Rarely Monthly Weekly 3/11 How do you make big purchases? Using comparison websites and apps After thorough research and discussion Based on individual preferences On a whim 4/11 Who takes the lead in financial decisions? The partner with the most financial knowledge Both partners equally Whichever partner cares more at the moment Each partner for their own finances 5/11 How do you handle disagreements about money? Discuss calmly and compromise Agree to disagree and manage your own finances Avoid the topic to keep the peace Seek professional advice or counseling 6/11 Are you comfortable sharing financial details? No, we prefer privacy in financial matters Yes, as long as it's secure and digital Yes, we share everything openly Somewhat, we have boundaries 7/11 How do you save money for the future? We live in the present and don't save much Save individually for personal goals Use online tools to automate savings and investments Set up joint savings accounts and investments 8/11 How do you approach debt as a couple? Debt doesn't bother us, we live in the moment Use technology to track and pay off debts efficiently Each manages their own debt independently Work together to pay off debt strategically 9/11 How do you handle financial surprises? Roll with the punches and adapt as needed Deal with it individually as it comes Address it together with a plan Leverage technology for quick solutions and assistance 10/11 How do you celebrate financial milestones? Plan a special date or trip together Share the success on social media and digital platforms We don't really celebrate financial achievements Celebrate in your own way separately 11/11 How do you envision your financial future? Living in the moment and enjoying life without worries Embracing technology for financial growth and success Pursuing individual financial goals and freedom Building wealth and financial security together