How funny are you? (1) This test is to see if your the class clown or to see if your the teachers pet. ashleyschrimpf90 published on July 14, 2015 Stacked 1/10 You are on the play ground and a group of kids ask if you want to play truth or dare. You No thank you I don't play that game. Sure but make sure you ask me funny questions Say as long as its school related so you don't get in trouble a teacher over hears you 2/10 You come into the classroom and see a student from the previous class writing a funny message on the board. You: Clean the board and then tell the teacher what it said and make you sure you mention you were the one that cleaned it off and who wrote it. You turn around and walk away and act like you saw nothing. You go up to the board change the message to something worse but more funny. 3/10 Your repeating a class that's full of freshman you: Answer every question correctly and never mention you've taken the class before to your fellow classmates. Have all homework done before class ends because you know what the teacher was going to assign. Give the teacher suggestions on class activities that enhances the fun factor of what your doing. 4/10 The teacher asks a question that only a couple of students raise their hand to answer. You: Blurt the answer out but don't raise your hand so that people don't know your the one that answered it. You answer the teacher and then ask her another question to show her that you pay attention and that's why you can could answer the question. Respond by saying who would know something like that. That's something my mom would ask. 5/10 The student in front of you is $1.00 short on their lunch money. You: Tell him that if he would've done his math right he would have known he was going to be short. You turn away and walk away so that they don't ask you for money. Give him a $1.00 and tell him that he has to be assistant for a whole class period. 6/10 You see someone walking through the hallway with toilet paper stuck on their shoe, you: Step on it when they walk by so that its no harm no foul. Call them out in the middle of the hall and ask if they were ever taught how to wipe. Tell them as they come into the classroom to look down and then follow by saying don't worry I have your back. 7/10 If you are in the bathroom and you hear the girl in the stall next to you fart, you: Laugh Say OMG what ever you was high in protein. Lift up your feet before they go into a stall so they don't even know your there. 8/10 If someone tipped forward in their chair and fell would you: Nudge your friend and say something out loud so everyone will laugh together. Stay seated and act like you didn't see it. 9/10 Last day of school, you: Sit there quietly until the bell rings. Make jokes all class about math. Collect everyone's books before the teacher even comes into the classroom. Tell stories about what you did last summer and how you through a bubble party with a Hawaiian theme. 10/10 Your on the bus and a student needs to sit with you or by the school bully. You: Look down and hope that the student doesn't ask you to sit by you Tell him to get comfortable because he's going to be standing for a while You let the student sit by you and you end up comparing answers on your math homework.