What Candy Do You Most Resemble? Have you ever wondered what candy you resemble most? Umm... probably not. But here's a quiz for that anyway for those boring days in which you have nothing better to do! :) Ravenclaw3243 published on July 25, 2015 Stacked 1/5 You wear your favourite necklace to school, a crystal one that means a lot to you! However, on the bus, a muscular kid comes and demands you give it to him! Uh, no! Wait, I have a similar looking cheap one in my backpack! I'll trick him into thinking that's the one I'm wearing! Hmm, no. I'll try to refuse as politely as I can? Excuse me? Why? No! Oh, no thanks, I think I'll keep it. He's tall, strong, and mean... I better avoid this. Here. Take it. 2/5 One day at school, your teacher announces that you have a test on biology today, however, you did not know before hand, as your teacher had said, and you didn't study. Luckily, the person next to you is answering all the questions quickly. You could easily cheat, but isn't that bad? Well, I definitely can't afford to get a bad grade, so I'll cheat... I guess... Oh, I can't cheat, I'll do my best, and at least I listened in class! No. No. No. I didn't study! Help! Okay, let me think... I'll do my best, then cheat a little to help check my answers? Yeah, good idea I can think of. Oh no no no! Ah, help! Okay, umm... what should I do, AAAHHH! Oh well, I can't afford to cheat, it would go against my moral instincts, but I'll just guess, and if I do badly, oh well! 3/5 Your aunt is getting married! What dress do you wear to her wedding as flower girl? A light coloured one. Light pink? And flowy, definitely flowy! A soft, silky one! White! A blue-ish lacy one! A long one, slightly form-fitting, with lace! Whatever my aunt chooses, it's her wedding! 4/5 You make a new friend at camp named Alex, and you two become great friends for the rest of camp, however, on the last day of camp, she suddenly turns around, ignores you, glares at you, and starts spreading rumours about you! How do you react? *Cries* I'll ignore Alex, maybe. I shouldn't have every been friends with her in the first place. Ouch... well, that's one less friend they have now, I have better friends! Um, what? What makes this kid so special? Ugh, I'll go show her a thing or two! Oh, whatever, camp's almost over anyway. What? The? Oh my god! That idiot! Everyone asks ME for advice for their problems, now I have to go to MYSELF for advice? What? 5/5 You move to a new school, what are you feeling inside? Yay! I can't wait! I'll have new friends, new supplies, new classroom! I can't wait! I don't really care, whatever. It doesn't make a difference to me! Nervous? Ha, you wish! If anyone tries to mess with me, it's okay. I can stand up for myself! I'm excited? I'm nervous? Both? Neither? I guess I should just forget any fear I have and enjoy my new school! Oh my god... what if everyone there is mean? I mean, I'm kinda happy-excited, but mainly nervous!