what would be your hogwarts house? well, the title sums it up pretty well. what house would you be in? really? threebeltking published on October 06, 2014 Stacked 1/13 What's your favourite muggle school class? Social studies Science Math Histories 2/13 do you like public speaking? nope. do you? sometimes. yes. 3/13 When you are in school, do you often get bored? Not really/not at all! Only when we're repeating lessons. YES! I really can't stand still. Ehh, depends what class. 4/13 what's your favourite type of movie? action true stories sci-fi scitific 5/13 is your blood pure? yes no half half don't care 6/13 If you could have any pet what would you have? bird lizard hamster cat 7/13 Favorite class? transformation herbology charms potions 8/13 Do you like being in a mix of people? NO! all lot it's okay not really 9/13 What house do you want to be in? Hufflepuff Gryffindor Slytherin Ravenclaw 10/13 Do you have big dreams? YES not really. Just a bunch of small ones that I make sure I accomplice. just some. 11/13 Do you do well in school? sorta YES I'm okay meh 12/13 color? green purple red yellow 13/13 Your mom gives you a small plant that is extremely rare, what do you do? Tend to it even you aren't interested. Look up all you can a bout it then just magic a watering can to water it regularly. Tend to it in till it grows big then give it to your aunt as a get well present. plant it in the garden and let nature handle it.