Are You Good With Directions? Ever wondered if you could find your way around in a new city? Or would you be totally lost? This quiz is just for fun so don't take it personally... kinkajousrule published on July 24, 2015 Stacked 1/8 Do you get left and right mixed up? Sometimes Usually not Never 2/8 Do people say you are bad with directions? No, in fact they say I'm great with them! All the time! Not many people. 3/8 Do you have a good memory? Average I have a great memory! I don't remember much.... In fact I forget what this quiz is called.... 4/8 Have you ever been lost on your own street? Yes! All the time! Rarely Never 5/8 Do you usually use a map or GPS on long trips? Nope; but I find my way! Yes and I still get lost! Yes. I can find my way with a map. 6/8 Do you use maps to get to places in your city? Once in a while, but rarely ever! I generally need a map! No way! 7/8 How often do you lose stuff? Once in a while. Never All the time! 8/8 Do you understand maps? They are easy to understand! They just look like a bunch of lines! I understand maps pretty well.