Are You Good With Directions?

Are You Good With Directions?

Ever wondered if you could find your way around in a new city? Or would you be totally lost? This quiz is just for fun so don't take it personally...

published on July 24, 2015

Do you get left and right mixed up?

Do you get left and right mixed up?
Usually not

Do people say you are bad with directions?

Do people say you are bad with directions?
No, in fact they say I'm great with them!
All the time!
Not many people.

Do you have a good memory?

Do you have a good memory?
I have a great memory!
I don't remember much.... In fact I forget what this quiz is called....

Have you ever been lost on your own street?

Have you ever been lost on your own street?
Yes! All the time!

Do you usually use a map or GPS on long trips?

Do you usually use a map or GPS on long trips?
Nope; but I find my way!
Yes and I still get lost!
Yes. I can find my way with a map.

Do you use maps to get to places in your city?

Do you use maps to get to places in your city?
Once in a while, but rarely ever!
I generally need a map!
No way!

How often do you lose stuff?

How often do you lose stuff?
Once in a while.
All the time!

Do you understand maps?

Do you understand maps?
They are easy to understand!
They just look like a bunch of lines!
I understand maps pretty well.