Would you be friends with Attila the Hun?

Would you be friends with Attila the Hun?

Which great Hungarian historic figure do you resemble the most? Are you a great leader like Attila? Are you a cunning inventor in times of need like Gergely Bornemissza? Are you a natural born artist like Mihály Munkácsy? Just and upstanding like King Matthias? Or are you a martyr of turbulent times like László IV? Maybe a negative hero, Ocskay, who betrayed the Hungarian uprising against the Habsburgs? Only one way to find out...

published on May 25, 2018

You're in a fashion store, trying to buy a shirt, but the assistant pays more attention to his/her phone than the customers. What is your most likely reaction?

You're in a fashion store, trying to buy a shirt, but the assistant pays more attention to his/her phone than the customers. What is your most likely reaction?
Address the assistant without hesitation and politely but firmly ask them to find out where the shirt was manufactured.
Take the shirt to the till and press the bell.
Make some noise to alert the assistant to your presence.
I love this shirt, I'll take it to the till, hoping they will notice me.
Slip the shirt into your bag when the assistant is not looking and walk out.
Throw the shirt and a few other articles on the floor as a protest, then walk out.

Who are your favourite Shakespeare characters?

Who are your favourite Shakespeare characters?
Iago, Richard III, or the Machbeths
Falstaff, Hamlet, or Titania
Prospero, or Julius Caesar
Romeo, Juliet, or Cordelia
Viola, Mercutio, or Puck
Henry V, or The Duke from Measure for Measure

Which of the following would be your preferred holiday destination?

Which of the following would be your preferred holiday destination?
Visit a science museum or an escape room or something similar.
Mongolia on horseback
The Moon or Mars
A tour of Europe
The Middle East

How many friends do you have?

How many friends do you have?
Maybe a few close friends you know from work, and one or two loyal childhood friends.
You hang out with dozens of people, but most of them outside work. You don't really have a "bestie".
You have a lot of buddies, you know most of them from work, or through a hobby you share, but you have a few close friends
as well.
Lots of people want to be friends with you, you enjoy their company, but most spend most of your time with a small circle of
trustworthy friends.
You make friends very easily and have hundreds of pals, but you prefer to hang out with people who can match your intellect.
You have a group of people you call friends, but in fact it's your shared interests and goals that keep the group together, not

What is it that you really dislike about politics?

What is it that you really dislike about politics?
All of it.
When politicians side with lobbyists and the rich instead of representing the people.
When the decisions of politicians threaten the liberty of the people.
When politicians make stupid decisions that threaten national security.
Ineffectuality and weakness.
Nothing, I love politics.

Which one of the following is most important to you?

Which one of the following is most important to you?
Experiencing beauty

What is your opinion about religion?

What is your opinion about religion?
God is the creator of everything and religion plays an important role in the lives of people.
Our world is wonderful and I admire whoever created it, but I'm not much for organised religion.
I have not seen proof of the existence of God, or gods, however, I don't have proof for the opposite either.
I don't mind religion or God, as long as religious people leave me alone.
I don't know about God, but religion is simply a means of controlling and manipulating the people.
I wish religion didn't exist, all it does is turn people against each other.

What is your biggest fear? Choose the one that frightens you the most.

What is your biggest fear? Choose the one that frightens you the most.
Foreigners invade my country and destroy our culture.
Being forgotten.

Which of the following historical figures is closest to your heart?

Which of the following historical figures is closest to your heart?
Alexander the Great
King Richard II
Pablo Picasso
Leonardo da Vinci

Which one of the following is your favourite movie character?

Which one of the following is your favourite movie character?
James Bond
Captain America
Doc from Back to the Future
Dick Kelly from Dirty Grandpa, or Wyatt and Billy from Easy Rider
Edward Scissorhands

What kind of food do you like?

What kind of food do you like?
Sophisticated dishes made with unique ingredients, something a Michelin chef would create.
A little bit of everything, Italian, Moroccan, Chinese, tapas, hamburgers, etc. I like variety.
Meat with meat, mutton, beef, pork, game.
Simple, traditional dishes.
I like experimenting with spices and flavours.
Spicy and hot.

What is your opinion about the development of technology?

What is your opinion about the development of technology?
I'm interested in weapons and military technology.
As long as I can live a comfortable life, I don't care about development.
I'm grateful for things that enable us to see the world and travel, like television and aeroplanes, but beyond that I don't see the
I am very excited about technology and can't wait to see the newest inventions.
I care for inventions that make people's life better, like medical technology, agricultural science, etc.
My favourite part in spy movies is when they bring out the gadgets.

Which one is your preferred genre?

Which one is your preferred genre?
Crime or documentary
Science fiction
Comedy or travel programmes

What kind of home would you like to live in? Pick one.

What kind of home would you like to live in? Pick one.
One with bright spaces and huge windows, preferably with a beautiful view.
A modern smart home.
A nice big comfortable tent or motor home.
A large mansion or palace.
I'd love to travel the world and stay in luxury hotels.

Which one of these jobs would you choose?

Which one of these jobs would you choose?
Judge, crisis negotiator, or heart surgeon
Inventor, engineer or scientist
Freelance motorbike tester, professional soccer player, or nightclub owner
Tabloid journalist, spy, or marketing manager
Astronaut, explorer or professional soldier
Artist or chef

Do you do sports? Which statement describes your attitude most closely?

Do you do sports? Which statement describes your attitude most closely?
Winning is the most important thing.
Fair play is the only way.
I am or want to be an olympic or world champion.
I am good at tactics.
I don't care much for sports, although I watch the Olympics, cycling or ski jumping sometimes.
I watch or do extreme sports.

Imagine this: you and a couple of others are stranded on an uninhabited island. A couple of trees and bamboo grow on the island, otherwise it's quite barren. The closest land is in sight, but very far. What are your thoughts?

Imagine this: you and a couple of others are stranded on an uninhabited island. A couple of trees and bamboo grow on the island, otherwise it's quite barren. The closest land is in sight, but very far. What are your thoughts?
I can see the land, surely, we can swim there!
We need to decide what to do, what we need is a leader.
This island is beautiful. I wish I had a camera.
I'm sure we can build a raft out of bamboo and wood. Let's see what we got...
We must build a house and start looking for food.
Does anybody have a flare?

Have you ever invented something? Pick the answer that best describes your attitude.

Have you ever invented something? Pick the answer that best describes your attitude.
No, I don't usually strive to change things.
Not as such, but I have my own unique style.
I can create an environment in which creativity and innovation flourish.
I am not an inventor, but I am very good at strategy.
I haven't invented anything, but people consider me as a cunning and resourceful person.
I have patented inventions, or I regularly come up with fantastic ideas.

Your best friend wants to go to a concert, but you don't feel like going out and don't even like the band. What do you say to them?

Your best friend wants to go to a concert, but you don't feel like going out and don't even like the band. What do you say to them?
You say "no way in hell".
You decline, but offer to join them next time.
You come up with a way to convince them to come over to yours and bring pizza.
You say "why don't we go see a movie instead"?
You say "maybe", but turn them down one day before the event.
You don't want to commit, but finally give in and go to the concert.

One of your colleagues regularly steals your sandwiches from the office fridge. What do you do?

One of your colleagues regularly steals your sandwiches from the office fridge. What do you do?
I'll steal someone else's.
Bring up the issue at the next team meeting and declare that you won't stand for such behaviour.
Stand up in the middle of the office and demand that the thief come forth.
Blame your teammate you like the least and spread rumours about them in retaliation.
Install a hidden web camera facing the fridge.
Contemplate the misgivings of human nature and buy your lunch from the canteen.