How long will you live?

How long will you live?

Hey! I do not like to write descriptions rjheg wrjhegw jhre gjkre gjerk gjegjkre gj HAHA

published on April 04, 2015

Do you ever carry a weapon?

Do you ever carry a weapon?
Yessss! Of course! I want to survive LIFE.
No......? Why would I???? My god, I'm not in the military!
No, but I've thought about it.

How old are you??

How old are you??
........Under 13
Over 13
I am an adult!
I would rather not answer that question.....

Do you consider this quiz stupid?

Heck yea! You cannot predict this.
No way! This is big deal!!!
I am so on the fence

Have you ever been told you will not live long? (on this kind of thing)

Have you ever been told you will not live long? (on this kind of thing)
Nope! And I've taken loads!
Yes! OMG I cannot get a good score!
Eh, I'm evenly split.
Well... um. I've never taken one

Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you?

OMG yes always! Actually.................. right now!
No....? Seriously, this is gibberish
Sometimes, I guess