How long will you live? Hey! I do not like to write descriptions rjheg wrjhegw jhre gjkre gjerk gjegjkre gj HAHA Sa55ygirl published on April 04, 2015 Stacked 1/5 Do you ever carry a weapon? Yessss! Of course! I want to survive LIFE. No......? Why would I???? My god, I'm not in the military! No, but I've thought about it. 2/5 How old are you?? ........Under 13 Over 13 I am an adult! I would rather not answer that question..... 3/5 Do you consider this quiz stupid? Heck yea! You cannot predict this. No way! This is big deal!!! I am so on the fence 4/5 Have you ever been told you will not live long? (on this kind of thing) Nope! And I've taken loads! Yes! OMG I cannot get a good score! Eh, I'm evenly split. Well... um. I've never taken one 5/5 Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you? OMG yes always! Actually.................. right now! No....? Seriously, this is gibberish Sometimes, I guess