Which of my fight club friends are you?

Which of my fight club friends are you?

If you read my post last night you know I go to an underground fight club and im part of the strongest in the gym along with 6 other people, we all fight and have nick names. Which of these people are you?

published on August 24, 2015

Hello lovey people it me Killer_instincts aka cheshire back from a short hiatus. Well let us begin!! What is your personality like?
*do you always have to ask that?*
Cheshire: yes now shut up

Hello lovey people it me Killer_instincts aka cheshire back from a short hiatus. Well let us begin!! What is your personality like? *do you always have to ask that?*  Cheshire: yes now shut up
Im pretty laid back dawg
*Cheshire: no one says dawg anymore
Wild, crazy, fun af
*Cheshire: well thats cool*
Insane like you wouldnt believe
*Cheshire: really, me too!!*
I'd like to say im intelligent
*Cheshire: wonderful!*
People say im girly but whatever lol I cant say they're wrong!
*Cheshire: lovey!*
Im quiet but dont mistake yhat for being shy
*Cheshire: noted*
I'm an athlete
*Cheshire: nice, nice*

K are yoh flexible at all?

K are yoh flexible at all?
Yeah I guess
Totally im all about that!
A little like whateva
No not particularly
No im not
I wish

Are you a fast person?
*zoom zzooomm*
Cheshire: hey....... shutup

Are you a fast person? *zoom zzooomm* Cheshire: hey....... shutup
Super. Fast
*Cheshire: I see*
When I run
*Cheshire: yes*
I want to be faster
*Cheshire: im sure you can be*
Im too large
*Cheshire: nonsense!*
Power over speed
*Cheshire: o-ok*
Who wants to know?!
*Cheshire: drop the attitude son*
Lol no
*Cheshire: well Ight*

Are you strong?

Are you strong?
Oh yeah
I guess
A little
Not really hahaha
My legs are strong
Just as strong as the guys!!

Whaf is your favorite food and or food related foods?

Whaf is your favorite food and or food related foods?
I like meat almost raw
*Cheshire: that sounds honestly delicious*
Fruit and veggie type of person
*Cheshire: thats good too*
Whatever I feel
*Cheshire: ight*
Sweets and a ton of sugar
*Cheshire: that's not very healthy*
I'm a vegan lol keeps your skin healthy. Read it in a magazine
*Cheshire: don't vegans get pale after a while?*
I follow the food pyramid as instructed
*Cheshire: well thats good*
*Cheshire: naw its cool didnt wanna talk anyway*

How good are you at dodging attacks of objects?

How good are you at dodging attacks of objects?
I say I am about average
I get hit a good amount
I usually end my fight with one hit
I am the freaking best at that ish!!
I get hit a few timed but I also make sure other people get hit
I kinda run from stuff but in a fight never
It kind of alk depends on the person of the objects

How well do you handle pain?

How well do you handle pain?
Ive been hit so many times it doesnt matter any more
I feel absolutely nothing
Im strong so whatever
I still cry sometimes
Pain is apart of life we need to accept it
I get hit It hurts I get over it
I dont really know, it depends

Are you graceful??

Are you graceful??
Sometimes, but mostly no
Naw I fall on my face
Uh yeah i am that what im good at
I really try but im a bit clumsy
I can be but I dont like it
Lololol no but whatever

Are you balanced, inside and out

Yes ma'am thats my little "talent"
When I really concentrate
Well I dont know what you mean by inside but I can stand on one foot for a bit
No im more strong than anything
Inside, I dont understand but im graceful so they kind of fit together
Who needs that in a fight all you need is to be able to dodge
I like to think but others are much betther than me

So this is it by everyone! You're all pretty and wonder

So this is it by everyone! You're all pretty and wonder
See ya
Bye yall stay wild