How well do you know the video game world? There are a few phases Phase 1: Consoles Phase 2: Controllers Phase 3: Characters Phase 3: Games anonymous-user-CWXk3r published on April 21, 2020 Stacked 1/21 Phase 1: ConsolesWhat console is this X-Box series X X-Box 1 X-Box 360 2/21 Phase 1: Consoles What console is this NES Nintendo 64 Nintendo Switch 3/21 Phase 1: ConsolesWhat console is this SNES WiiU Wii 4/21 Phase 1:ConsolesWhat console is this X-Box series X X-Box 1 X-Box 360 5/21 Phase 1:ConsolesWhat console is this Game boy advance Game boy color Game boy 2 6/21 Phase 1:ConsolesWhat console is this N2DS N3DS N4DS 7/21 Phase 2:ControllersWhat controller is this SNES controller NES controller MNES controller 8/21 Phase 2:ControllersWhat controller is this NES Controller SNES Controller MNES Controller 9/21 Phase 2:ControllersWhat controller is this MNES Controller N64 controller 10/21 Phase 2:ControllersWhat controller is this Wii Controller Wiimote X-Box 360 11/21 Phase 2:ControllersWhat controller is this N64 controllers Joycons UmmMe: SERIOUSLY 12/21 Phase 2:ControllersWhat controller is this PS4 controller PS5 controller PS3 controller 13/21 Phase 2:ControllersWhat controller is this PS5 controller PS4 controller UmmMe: GET OUT *sammytheclassicsonicfan screams* 14/21 Phase 3: CharactersWho is this? Sonic Luigi Hamilton Mario 15/21 Phase 3: CharactersWho is this? Spiky Hamilton? Sonic Sammytheclassicsonicfan 16/21 Phase 3: CharactersWho is this? Now THATS Hamilton Human sonic with a gun Inkling boy 17/21 Phase 3: CharactersWho is this? Ok that’s gotta be Hamilton Gaster Sans 18/21 Phase 3: CharactersWho is this? H to da A to da M to da I to da L T O N King Koopa Bowser 19/21 Final Phase: GamesWhich game is this I dunno but I see Hamilton! Splatoon 20/21 Final Phase: GamesWhich game is this Spooky scary skeletons Creeped out Starring LUIGI! Luigis mansion 21/21 Final Phase: GamesWhich game is this Clash of games Clash of clans Clash of Hamiltons Me: JESUS!!! Super Smash Bros Meelee Super Smash Bros Ultimate