Are You Attractive, Cool, and/or Popular?

Are You Attractive, Cool, and/or Popular?

This quiz will answer all the above plus more! Keep in mind, that this quiz is the truth, because everything on the internet is the truth! *laughs hysterically* Sorry...couldn't keep a straight face on that last comment!

published on August 31, 2015

Are you overweight?

(Dem fast food restaurants be amazing though man! I love meh fast foods too!)

Are you overweight?  (Dem fast food restaurants be amazing though man! I love meh fast foods too!)
I'm not fat, I'm fluffy!
A stick figure is fatter than I am.
Happy medium.

How many friends do you have?

(honestly, I only have a few close friends myself)

How many friends do you have?  (honestly, I only have a few close friends myself)
More than I could ever count.
A few close friends.
Me, myself, and I.

Do you view yourself as cool?

(I'm not the definition of cool either, believe me XD)

Do you view yourself as cool?  (I'm not the definition of cool either, believe me XD)
I am le definition of cool.
I'm not uncool if that's what you're thinking...
I'm uncool...

Do you change who you are to fit in with everyone else?

(looks, personality, things that you like, etc.)

Do you change who you are to fit in with everyone else?  (looks, personality, things that you like, etc.)
I don't follow the crowd, I am who I am, regardless if people like me or not.
I follow the crowd because I want to fit in and be cool like everyone else.
I don't follow the crowd...but I don't voice my opinions either, since I don't want to cause conflict.

Girls: Do you wear make-up?

Guys: Do you work out?

(I go to the gym else are Ninetails and I suppose to earn badges!?)

Girls: Do you wear make-up?  Guys: Do you work out?  (I go to the gym else are Ninetails and I suppose to earn badges!?)
Girls: No...I don't wear make-up at all.

Guys: No...I don't go to the gym.
Girls: I put on some, but not a lot.

Guys: I go once in awhile.
Girls: I wear make-up all the time! How else am I suppose to look beautiful!?

Guys: I life things up and put them down!

Do you judge others for how they look?

(Be honest, we've all done it at least once in our lives.)

Do you judge others for how they look?  (Be honest, we've all done it at least once in our lives.)
I never judge people based on how they look, no matter what!
I only judge some people...mainly if they've been being mean to my friends.
I judge people constantly! I mean, can't they just get their act together!? And that grammar, PLEASE!
(yes grammar Nazis, I'm calling you out! JKJK XDXDXD)

Do you think this quiz will predict your outcome correctly?

Do you think this quiz will predict your outcome correctly?
Pfft, yeah right...this is just another quiz that will make me feel horrible after finishing...
I'm not sure right now...
I honestly only took this quiz to get another person's opinion on what they thought of me.

Do you take to heart what other quizzes, similar to this one, have said about you at their finish?

Do you take to heart what other quizzes, similar to this one, have said about you at their finish?
Yes...I feel like someone is finally being honest with me... depends on how I'm feeling on a given day...
No way! Why do I care what others think about me?

If you could do away with all quizzes like this on Qfeast, or all over the internet, would you?

If you could do away with all quizzes like this on Qfeast, or all over the internet, would you?
Yes...they are hurtful to people, and can have serious effects on a person's emotions.
Maybe...I mean...they aren't suppose to hurt people...right?
Nah...honestly, if someone didn't want to get hurt, why did they take it in the first place?

Ready for the results?

(I know I am XD)

Ready for the results?  (I know I am XD)
I hate it when quizzes add this question at the end...but sure.
Far out man!
*holds breath, clicks button*