Trust & Loyalty: Personality Quiz

Trust & Loyalty: Personality Quiz

Discover where you stand on the spectrum of trust and loyalty in relationships.

published on June 23, 2024

Your friend tells you a secret. Do you:

Keep it to yourself but use it as leverage if needed
Promise to keep it confidential
Share it with others for attention

Your partner asks for your opinion on a project. Do you:

Your partner asks for your opinion on a project. Do you:
Sabotage their efforts to feel superior
Offer constructive feedback and support
Lie to avoid conflict

A family member asks for a loan. Do you:

A family member asks for a loan. Do you:
Help them out without hesitation
Agree to lend but charge high interest
Make excuses to avoid giving money

A coworker takes credit for your work. Do you:

A coworker takes credit for your work. Do you:
Address the issue professionally
Sabotage their future projects in retaliation
Stay silent to avoid conflict

You catch a friend lying to you. Do you:

Lie in return to teach them a lesson
Have an honest conversation about it
Cut ties immediately

A relationship is going through a rough patch. Do you:

A relationship is going through a rough patch. Do you:
Work through issues together
Cheat to shift blame away from yourself
End things without trying to resolve problems