Which Obscure Jumpstart Character Are You?

Which Obscure Jumpstart Character Are You?

Take the quiz to find out which lesser-known JumpStart character you are!

published on September 26, 2021

What's your favorite school subject?

Reading/language arts
Home economics
Does lunch count?

Which of these hobbies appeals to you most?

Reading or writing
Giving others advice
Just hanging out, maybe listening to music
Playing a game or exploring outdoors

You're asked to enter a creepy mansion to help look for something. How do you react?

I'll go in right away.
I'd get goosebumps, but I'd still do it.
I'd see if someone more capable could go instead.
Not for me, thanks.

Do you feel that others sometimes misunderstand you?

Yes, but they'll get to know me in time.
Maybe at first, but I'm good at getting to know others quickly.
I don't know, but it doesn't bother me anyway.
Nope, not a problem for me at all.

What's your stance on working with others?

I can use all the help I can get!
Not a problem for me, I'm good at cooperating with all kinds of people.
I'd need to be able to trust them first.
I'd rather do things my own way.
As long as they bring snacks, I'm open to anything!

How busy are you usually?

Extremely busy!
I'm serious about getting things done when I need to, but I have a lot of quiet moments too.
Busy? Me? Nah.

If you had to pick one of these jobs, which one would you choose?

A cook
A historian
A toymaker
A writer

Do people ever act like you aren't paying attention?

Nope, I'm a good listener.
Huh? What did you say?