Are You An Optimist, A Pessimist, Or A Realist?

In this new personality test, you can discover whether you're an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist.

published on August 19, 2024

You've planned to go camping on the weekend, but the weather forecast says it's going to rain. What do you do?

Cancel, there's no point in going if it's going to rain
Still go, but change to a cabin or trailer instead
Keep everything as planned, as you're sure it'll amount to nothing

You are running a bit late for an appointment. What do you do?

Relax, you're sure you'll still make it in time
Blame everyone and everything around you for the fact that you're going to be late
Start trying to find a different route to save time

Do you buy lottery tickets?

Sometimes, but I never expect to win
Yes, because someone has to win and I believe it will be me
No, it's a waste of money or I'm too young

A new housing development is being built behind your home. How do you react?

You're sure it'll be fine and once the building work is done, life will return to normal
Arrange to move to a new house, you know it will be a disaster
Do some research and if there are concerns, appeal against the planning application

Is the glass half empty or half full?

Half empty is the only answer
Half full, I always look for the positives
Everyone is missing the point -- the glass is refillable

You meet your friend at a cafe for coffee, but when you get there, you find that there's a long queue to get served. What do you do?

Try to calculate how long it'll take before making a decision
Leave and go to another cafe
Join the line, you're sure it won't take long

You come down with an illness which means you may have to cancel a vacation with friends. What do you do?

Still plan to go, you know you'll be better soon
See if you can postpone the vacation
Cancel, it's pointless to go if you aren't feeling well

Do you do anything to help the environment?

I try to, but I determine what will have the biggest impact
Yes, everyday, even if it's as simple as turning off the lights
No, it's a waste of time

A friend loses their job. How do you respond when they call you?

Tell them to call you if they need anything, you're not sure what else to say
Say it's a shame, especially as there are so few jobs out there
Tell them everything happens for a reason and it means something better is coming

You have booked a summer vacation in a cottage in the countryside. What clothes do you pack?

Everything you could possibly need, including clothing for all seasons
Summer basics with a raincoat and a sweater in case the weather changes
It's summer, so summer clothing only