Would you date me? (1) Hi I am a boy so can I plz have girls taking this quiz which will determine if u r my type Djsharff28 published on July 09, 2016 Stacked 1/10 What is your hair colour Blonde Brown Black Red/ginger 2/10 How bad do u want a guy Real bad I would do it for anyone Not really No Yes Desperately 3/10 If I kissed u what would u do I have a guy Again We r only friends Make me fall and have sex 4/10 Do u like big or small dick Big Small Don't care Sometimes 5/10 Do you prefer blue brown or hazel eyes Blue Brown Don't care Hazel 6/10 Do u have big or small tits Big Small Depends on how u look at it Sort of 7/10 What do u like out of a relationship Sex Honestly and love and loyalty The making out 8/10 What do u like about a guy Pesonality Dick Appearance Honesty and loyalty 9/10 Do u like appearance Yes No Sometimes Maybe 10/10 Where do u live Cambridge England Other