Butter better butter butta butter budder butter butter better butter nut pumpkin anonymous-user-rrk6rc published on February 24, 2016 Stacked 1/5 The picture is cheese trololol Um... how is that a troll? *eats the cheese* Sorry what? SCREW YOU AND YOUR DUMB QUIZ! Idc i like cheese :) 2/5 bUTTER cHICKEN eat it it's yummi Eww i hate curry >:( YOU'RE DUMB Yay yummy! No thanks... *throws it out the window* 3/5 butterNUT pumpkIN It look like a *censor* XDD I HATE PUMPKIN EWWWWWWWWWW Um... a pumpkin... Yes? I'll make it into yummy soup :D 4/5 Butter cookies :D BUTTER COOKIES ARE DUMB Can have have some? Me: Sure! You: Yum! *steps on the cookies* Um... yes.. cookies? 5/5 Gtg :( Aww, ok :( GOOD IT'S FINALLY OVER *walks away without saying goodbye Thank goodness...