Which Equestria Girls Type are you?

Which Equestria Girls Type are you?

Are you a Techie, Rocker, Fashionista, Eco-Kid, Comedian, Athlete, Staff or Drama? If you really need to find out, take this quiz!

published on April 13, 201629 responses 2
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First Question : What kind of colors do you like?

First Question : What kind of colors do you like?
Simple Colors like Pink, Violet etc.
Dark Colors
Sparkly Colors of Dresses!
Colors related with our Environment
All Colors!
Bright Colors like Red
Shining Colors
Red! (The reason is because it's the color of the curtains of a play)

How would you spend free time?

How would you spend free time?
Reading and Researching
Playing Songs or listening to Music
Designing Clothes
Discussing about the Environment
Joking around
Playing Soccer
There is no free time for me from this horrible work!
Taking Short Films

Where do you spend your free time?

Where do you spend your free time?
Library or my Private Research Center
Cafeteria, playing my songs
At the Animal Shelter
Cafeteria, telling jokes to my friends!
At the Office

If there is a school event, where would you be?

If there is a school event, where would you be?
Looking at my Cellphone
Hm.. Is there a chance for a Musical Showcase?
Creating Costumes for the people
I'm busy out here!
Proudly running the party planning committee
Uh! This will be boring!
Stage Plays?

Your Favorite school period?

Your Favorite school period?
Music Class?
Science or Biology
Physics or PE
I'm the one to teach!

What kind of books do you like to read?

What kind of books do you like to read?
How to play (a musical instrument)
Fashion Magazines
Joke Books
Sports Magazine
I don't know but there is one horrible book I hate : The school Reports!
I hate Reading!

What is your ambition?

What is your ambition?
Computer Engineer
Pop Star or Guitarist
Fashion Designer

What would you choose for a Catchphrase?

What would you choose for a Catchphrase?
"Everything has an explanation"
"The best thing in life is to rock as hard as you can"
"Beauty comes from inner heart"
"Live as you love Nature"
"Life is incomplete without fun!"
"The aim in life is to win!"
"A True Teacher clears the Dark"
"Do not convince without a dramatic effect"

What do you hate the most?

What do you hate the most?
If my Cellphone is out of Range!
Someone defeating me in a Musical Showcase or taking my title!
Disturbances while designing!
Harming the Environment!
Rude people and meanies!
This Horrible work!
Other fools who call me a 'fool'!

Do you like Math? (I hate it!)

Do you like Math? (I hate it!)
Of Course! I have to say, doing math is a very superb experience!
You are asking a person who is just like you!
It's an odd question, please...
Doesn't come near Bio!
Math is Fun! (That's what my teacher says)
I don't even care about these stuff!
Yes! I love teaching Math than learning it!
Your words befuddle me!
Me : What???