Writing Prompt Generator! Have you ever wanted to write a story, but didn't know how? Then take this fun quiz! AmazinglyAmberYT published on March 02, 2024 Stacked 1/10 Do you like to write? Yes Sometimes No 2/10 What is your favorite book genre? Fiction Non-fiction Other 3/10 What is your favorite book series? Harry Potter The Hunger Games Other 4/10 How do you deal with stress? By reading or writing stories By taking a walk in nature By hanging out with friends 5/10 What is your favorite part about writing? The brainstorming stage Being able to share my stories with others Reading the final product 6/10 Would your story have chapters? Yes No Maybe 7/10 How many chapters would it have? 5-10 11-20 Other or none 8/10 Would you prefer to write short stories, children's books, or long novels? Long novels Children's books Short stories 9/10 On a scale of 1-5, how much did you enjoy the test? 1 - it was the WORST! 2 3 - it was OKAY... 4 5 - it was the BEST! 10/10 Ready for your results? Absolutely! I guess... Definitely not!