Autism squadism This quiz will shiw you what member of the lice gang you are! Make sure to answer honestly! Juliakillett published on January 09, 2017 Stacked 1/6 What is your idea of the perfect instagram pictue A dying rose All my friends huging in the moment A zoomed in picture with cool lighting A picture of an abstract building like structure 2/6 Someone makes an argument about a tooic you care about on face book what do you do? Argue until it is obvious you are in the right and they cant argue with your facts and flawless train of thought Nothing. Roast them when a friend asks you to Swoop in last minute with undenyabke facts that are just unbiased enough to make neiher side dislike you 3/6 Who is your favorite artist Someone from the impressionist era Someone modern Someone who paints people with overwhelming emotion Someone abstract and minimal 4/6 Whats your favorite movie Perks of being a wallflower Heathers I like a lot of movies I dont watch enough to know 5/6 If someone had to describe you in one word what would it be Generous Logical Practical Unique 6/6 What friends character are you Rachel Monica Chandler Dennis from its always sunny in philidelphia