Which food should you consume this tuesday? Probably all of them, tbf. They taste good so that is very important! I hope you realise that. uruncoolokbye published on July 12, 2015 Stacked 1/10 r u a cat? meow no stfu no i hate cats no but cats r ok 2/10 Are you hungry? Ye Yess Yes mhm No 3/10 can u read? wat did u say no yes sure die 4/10 pick a colour bbyg no red green pink black 5/10 can u touch ur eyes? that is gross sure i'd rather touch yours maybes idk 6/10 Would you eat a person? naaah nope maybe yas gurl huh 7/10 which movie is the best? Shrek Shrek 2 Shrek 3 Shrek 4 The silence of the lambs. Zoolander. High School Musical 1. High School Musical 2. Not shrek 8/10 is ed sheeran hella cute? hell yeah boi i'd eat him no yeah he is cute no i wanna kill the ginger singer 9/10 which describes you best? I like power. I like to be feared. I like the idea of science. I like to be the ONLY person to eat at a party. I like nice food and life is good. I hate most people. r u fkin my mam 10/10 how do you like ur eggs in the mornin'? dead alive smokin' i don't like egg idk what an egg is