what is your perfect first name? (girls) i have six names which one fits you? this is based on what you do and your personality that fits it all together. Maya_swan published on April 29, 2015 Stacked 1/7 bai what no! ok bai finally and it's bye not bai! bai gtg! bye aww bai! time for me fandom! bai c u l8er 2/7 what is your favorite color? DON'T KILL ME! pink! red orange yellow green purple any! 3/7 you are playing your favorite sport when a boy starts bulling you for being a girl how do you react? just ignore them i don't play sports i might get hit and plus I'm to busy studying! run off getting out of their way so i don't get into trouble! oh all boys are my friends because i am a boy in the inside! offer them a game AND WIN!! I'm not playing sports I'm watching my favorite show! i don't play sports i might break a nail! 4/7 pic an animal that best fits you bunny owl turtle dragon that's an animal to me! dog/cat none of these a horse 5/7 how do you spend your Saturdays? helping out at an animal shelter studying for a test or playing mind craft! doing anything to not get in trouble playing video games! playing sports watching my favorite TV show! shopping! 6/7 are you board? no yes! i need to get to my science i'm leaving not really! ya i need to get to my friends to play sports! not at all! yes i need my TV! yes i need to shop! 7/7 do you believe in god? and yes this question will help tell you your perfect name yes no i believe in science after life is nothing kinda no! YES! HE IS MY WHOLE LIFE! i have been to church but not really :/ no it's gets in my way to believe because of all the standers