How well do you know Pentatonix? Test your knowladge on PTX to see how big of a fan you are. Are you a bigger pentaholic than me? Pentaholic7 published on December 12, 2015 Stacked 1/11 How old is Avi's sister Ethster Kaplan? 31 27 24 28 50+ ???????? 2/11 What song did they sing in a British accent on an interview? That's Christmas To Me Daft Punk Carroll of the Bells Sing They never did that 3/11 What are their middle names? Benjamen, Coby Michael, Richard, Olewole, Taylor Talow, Benjamew, Cobw, Richarw, Olewolw 4/11 What year did they come off the sing-off? 2013 2011 1991 2012 2010 5/11 What song did Avi write on their 4 album? Na Na Na Sing Cracked Starships Daft Punk 6/11 What song did they do at the AMA's? Star Wars Theam Song Daft Punk Sing Joy To The World Britany Spears Meadly 7/11 What type of music do they produce and who is thier record label? A cappella and Star Instramental and RCA None of these are correct and they'er all stupid Instramental and Star A Cappella and RCA 8/11 What did Scott and Mitch think the most innapropiate sing off song by ptx was? OMG Britany Spears Meadly Dog Days Are Over Let's Get It On Your Love Is My Drug 9/11 What song won them a Grammy? Daft Punk Love Again Happy As Long As You Love Me/ Wide Awake Wizard of Ahhhhh's 10/11 What is their most viewed video? Daft Punk Love Again Happy Can't Sleep Love Sing 11/11 Who got sick on the Sing Off? Kirstie Avi Scott Mitch Kevin