How Poly are you?

How Poly are you?

Could you be happy in a poly relationship? Check out where you naturally land in the polyamorous - monogamous scale.

published on October 04, 2014

What's your idea of a good time?

A sex party.
Being open to life and learning from my experiences.
Enjoying a quiet evening at home with my sweetie.

When it comes to creating agreements in your relationship(s) you...

Recognize that needs are fluid and changing. You check in with yourself around what your true needs
are, what the other person's are and try to create mutu...
Make sure there aren't so many restrictions that you can't feel free to be you.
Don't spend a whole lot of time thinking about them or talking about them. Perhaps we'd benefit from
discussing them. But our expectations and needs are p...

My tolerance for potentially getting an STD is...

Nilche. If there is even the slightest possibility of an STD exposure my energy shuts down.
Managed well. I use clear communication, reality checking and reasonable boundaries to ensure that my
body is honored.
I have a high capacity to manage the uncertainty of multiple sexual connections. I use safer sex
methods and value clear communication, but I realize there...

Abandoning yourself would look like...

Getting romantically committed to someone who couldn't make our relationship their highest priority.
Not giving myself the space to consciously explore intimate connections with more than one person.
Saying yes to a relationship agreement because society or somebody else expects me to.

When my sweetie (or sweeties) spend intimate time with somebody else I...

Take the opportunity to connect to my own interests and independent relationships.
Feel their absence and wonder if that person they are spending time with is a threat to our relationship.
Don't think anything of it.

Jealousy and insecurity are...

Something to be avoided with solid commitments.
An inevitable part of love and intimacy. It's important to acknowledge those feelings and get curious
about what's underneath them.
Not something I tend to feel or spend a lot of time with.

When it comes to uncertainty in relationships...

I embrace that is an inherent part of life and use that energy that gets stirred up to fuel my sense of juicy
aliveness and adventure.
That's a phase that gets me ungrounded and weird. It's great
when it's over.
I appreciate the ebb and flow between uncertainty and certainty in my love life. Sometimes I like
the way it enlivens things and sometimes I need a little ...

You are the most sexually satisfied with...

A variety of connections and people. My sexual needs couldn't possibly be met within one
A safe, stable and committed connection. I need to be deeply involved with somebody to open up and
feel good.
Playing at the edges and following impulses, even if they are out of the box.

If I saw my sweetie making out with another person I would probably...

Freak the f*ck out.
Get turned on and want to play with that energy.
Hmmm... I'm not entirely sure. I guess it depends.

Polyamory is...

So me!
Freaking scary!